Saturday 18 September 2010

im a grandmother

Been a long time since my last post, and this is just a very quick update to say I'm now a granny! :)
Ive been so very busy but I do plan to add all the updates as to what I've been doing on my creative path since my last blog post, will have many photos to show too so do keep popping back!
below is a pic of me and my granddaughter Payton.

Saturday 17 April 2010


I went to my 1st ever flame off yesterday with my friend kathy.
so many beads and glass rods with every colour you could imagine...(spent far too much on glass) but oh what joy :)
Im a glassaholic, should go to GAA (glass alcoholics anonymous) meetings!
Heres a pic of me using the mini cc torch at the show.

the flame looked very different than my one at home,
was a bit of a shocker when I melted clean through the mandrel
and watched as it plopped off onto the table with my perfectly round bead in toe! arrrgh :0/

its the same torch I have at home so I couldnt understand what happend
then one of the stewards said their torches used bottled oxygen
making them burn much hotter than mine at home on a Oxygen Concentrator unit.

All in all Kathy and I had a wonderful day there.
I learned so much watching the live demos and got to met some talented bead artists too.
 Im already looking forward to next years flame off.

Friday 16 April 2010

Rainbow Drops & Beads

Ok Im sure Im not the only one to eat sweeties while im ment to be working.  My crave for today was the old fashiond Rainbow Drops, I remember them from my childhood where me and my sister would get 50p pocket money every Thursday night from Dad when he got home from work, we would then race off to the shops as fast as our legs could carry us to spend it all on sweet peanuts, sherbert dibdabs & rainbow drops,any money left over went on 1p mix ups...(yes 50p did go a long way back then).

So when Kerry and her boyfriend walked in the house today with about 4 packs of them I just couldnt resist...mmmm.

some lampwork glass bead bracelets made while I was on my Rainbow munching mission :)

Inspiration all around

People often ask me where I get my inspiration from when I create my Jewellery, the short answer is "everywhere"
if you were to look around you now im sure you would be able to see shapes, textures and colours......(unless of course your reading this blog from a white walled prison cell!).
even the paper coffee cup im looking at now has colours and shape to it.

heres a photo I took of a pair of round wood candle holders I spotted while me and my daughter kerry were out for a meal last week.

(yes I do carry my camera with me at all times) you  never know when inspiration will strike :)

And here are the lampwork glass beads I was inspired to create from seeing them.

Monday 5 April 2010

My first

My very first beads made back in Jan this year, had great fun that day with Laura melting glass, will try to add the little video clip that laura took of me making the lilac polkadot bead seen middle front in this photo. 

Blogging hell!

Oh dear,
my very first blog post and Im all in a tizzwass.....who was it that said this blogging was a piece of cake? mentioning no names (you know who you are!)...still im hoping I will thank you later  :)

 Been thinking about a blogsite for some time now, a place to share photos of my work and well.. just a place where I can blab on about glass,Jewellery,lampwork beads and maybe some of my other interests such as mediumship,Past life regression,crystals and all that jazz......but Im sooo clueless at the moment  the simplest task of getting it up and running seems like hard work to me so thats it for now, time I went and had me some to play with fire and make some beads, now thats what I call a piece of cake :) heres a pic of few I made yesterday.
